Status Definition Avg % of Ad Occurrences
Missing The expected ad was not found. 7.7%
Stacked An ad has at least 3 other ads immediately before it. 0.7%
Competitor A competitor’s ad was also found in the same episode. 1.5%
Double Spot The same ad has been duplicated multiple times in the same episode. 1.7%
Short An ad is shorter than expected. 2.7%
Wrong Position Found placements differ from expected placements, eg expected mid-roll but found pre-roll. 4.5%
Bad Promo The found promo/URL differed from the expected. 3.6%
CTA not Repeated The expected promo/URL was not repeated at least twice. 1.5%
Stale Read An ad matching this request has been re-used from a prior week on this show (same exact audio). This flag only applies to episodic ("baked-in") campaigns. 5.7%
Late Insert For a baked-in buy, an ad was inserted into an episode after publish - meaning it was not present when the episode went live. 0.8%
Missed Talking Point An ad is missing a required talking point. -
Bad Show Notes The episode description lacks the required disclosure -
Add Removed For an episodic buy, an ad was removed from the episode before 30 days since the episode aired.
Under-Delivery Did not deliver the full amount of impressions. (Only for baked-id) -
High Frequency Had an average frequency > 5 on the show in the past 30 days. -
High Concentration Over 20% of impressions went to under 2% of listeners. -
Bad Geo Over 30% of impressions went to an unexpected geo. -
Below Fold The promo/URL in the Youtube show notes is not below the fold and not visible unless the description is expanded. -
Bad Hyperlink The YouTube video has an unclickable link in the description. -
BRAND SAFETY An episode contains possibly harmful or sensitive content in the following categories: [POLITICAL, PROFANITY, etc]. -