To customize your attribution settings, jump to your Campaign > Overview tab and select the Gear icon:


Setting Name Default Description
Attribution Window 30 days How many days a conversion must come after an in impression to be attributed.
Mode Multi First, last, multi or multi time decay. If a conversion was exposed to 2 different impressions, first touch gives all credit to the first impression, last to the last impression, multi .5 to each, and multi time decay gives more credit to the last one.
Exclude prior customers/visitors No Exclude conversions from prior customers or visitors. We look at the purchase and visit events that the brand sends to us before any campaigns have started. If we see an IP and User Agent pair appear before and after the campaign starts, we'll consider this a prior customer or visitor. We can also use the prior customer macro in the javascript pixel to identify prior customers.
Model YouTube Conversions No For each simulcast ad, apply the audio conversion rate to the YouTube views to estimate the number of conversions attributable to the YouTube portion of a simulcast buy.
Only include conversions from this time range No Exclude conversions from impressions before the start date. This is useful to check when a new advertiser with starts attribution, but had been running campaigns before. Then the CPA/ROAS/etc will only be shown for impressions on which attribution is possible, assuming the start date is when the advertiser placed the Podscribe tag on their site.
Display RON shows individually No If checked, displays all shows in RON buy in the shows table, instead of collapsed under the RON buy.
Media All Which Media types to display reporting for.
Exclude referrers None Exclude conversions by referer URL - ie the prior site they clicked the brand’s link on. Eg clicking an ad on Facebook to get to a brand’s site would have a referrer URL of Facebook.
Exclude UTM source/medium None Exclude conversions by landing URL, specifically UTM source & medium parameters. Eg exclude all conversions that have UTM medium SMS, because these customers came from an SMS capaign message link.

Example Customization — Conservative Settings

Podscribe’s regular attribution tells how many households who downloaded an ad then converted. This does not necessarily mean that the ad caused these households to convert, but just that they were exposed to an ad prior to converting.

To make your settings more conservative (video):

  1. Shorten the attribution window.

The default setting is 30 days. Try moving it to 7 or even 3. For reference, a 30 day attribution window means that someone went to the site within 30 days of listening to a podcast ad.

  1. Exclude prior customers and visitors.

Someone who is already familiar with the site may have been planning to visit/purchase anyways, or you may just be looking for new customers only. Checking those two boxes means that these people are not included.

  1. Exclude referrers.

A referer is the site that someone clicked the link of the brand’s site on. So, if someone clicked the brand’s link from a facebook or instagram ad, this conversion likely owes less credit to the earlier heard podcast ad.

So if you exclude Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, then you exclude visitors/customers who came to the site after clicking a brand's link on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.